
Friday, April 4, 2014

Enough Said (2013)

Wow, I really really liked this movie, and I may be in very slim company, but I have not watched The Sopranos, and was not a big James Gandolphino fan.  His sudden death at age 51 last summer was startling to me, but more because he was younger than I am than that I would miss him as an actor.  So the sob factor does not play into my enjoyment of the movie.  For example, at the end of the movie when it said 'For Jim', I didn't realize that they were referring to him.

He plays Albert, a divorced man who meets Eva (Julia Louis-Dreyfuss), also divorced, at a party.  They tentatively start to date, and build first a friendship and then the beginnings of a realtionship with each other.  Eva also meets Marianne (the ubiquitous Catherine Keener) at the same party and she becomes her client (Eva is a masseuse).  Eva really likes Albert despite the fact that he is not her dream guy, but then she discovers that the horrible ex-husband that Marianne keeps describing is in fact Albert.  And as he puts it, it poisons the well of their relationship--not only doe sshe start to respond to him differently, she keeps up both friendships without telling hte other that she knows their connection to each other.  The thing that I really like about the movie is that the dialog seems very natural and believable. Relationships are hard work, and they do not get easier as you get older.

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