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Friday, May 18, 2012

Dead Long Enough (2005)

The title comes from a quote in the movie. The basic story is of two brothers, Ben and Harry, from Wales. Ben (Jason Hughes, best known for his role in the Midsomer Murder long standing BBC Crime series) is a successful lawyer and Harry (Michael Deen) is a successful television host. Their issues as siblings seem much more related to their relationships with women than to any sort of jealousy about their career trajectories. " You know what archeology has taught me, Benny Boy? It's never too late. We're all a long time alone in a long box, little brother. We're all dead long enough..." The problem comes to a head when Harry and Ben travel to Ireland, where they have a shared history that they both agree was a happy time. The occasion is that Ben is getting married to a woman that pretty much everyone agrees is a poor choice for him, Harry included. This is to be their last hurrah. But it turns out to be emotionally complicated--Ben has left behind the love of his life there (and as fate--or the script--would have it, they run into her immediately), and Harry is petrified that Ben will find out that she slept with him once she found out Ben was leaving. It all comes out in the end, with some gorgeous scenery as a back drop. The film is very enjoyable and a good example of the romantic comedies that Great Britain produces--if you enjoy that genre, you will likely enjoy this as well.

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