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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Just For The Summer by Abby Jimenez

I do not read much in the romantic genre, but I put this on my library hold list when it appeared as a recommendation in The Week as a good beach read--of course all of those four books took so long for me to wait for them that it was no longer beach season by the time I was able to check any of them out, but there are many opportunities for light reading to hit the spot. I found this entirely predictable, which is consistent with the genre, and none-the-less enjoyable. The premise is that Justin is the lucky rabbit foot for women who date him--after they break up with him, which happens pretty rapidly, the next person they date is their soul mate. Occasionally it is a friend of his, so his ex's are still around even, grateful and happy while he is vowing not to date again. Matters are complicated by his otherwise seemingly normal mother being on the brink of a long jail term after being convicted of embezzling a seemingly small amount of money she repaid, and he is going to be the guardian for his three younger siblings. Not exactly the stuff of romance. In comes Emily, who says that she too has the same curse as he, and they agree to date each other so that the next person they each date will be their dream come true. Emily has a lot of her own baggage, and it all conspires to break them up--or does it?

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