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Monday, September 12, 2022

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

I read this book because it was showing up in a number of my Goodreads friend's list of books read or want to read, and while I don't read book reviews often (just the New Yorker and The Week), I do like to choose some of my reading selections based on popular demand. That is why I had no idea that the book came out 5 years ago, that there is a dramatization of the book in the works, and that it is about the tell all biography of a fictional Hollywood glamor girl (think Marilyn Monroe with a Latinx heritage). This is not the sort of book I generally read, a sort of scandalous tell all, even a fictional one, but unlike in real life, there can be a story arc that is worth reading, and for me, this was very enjoyable. The story is one is a story of scandal and ambition, but it's also that of identity, love, and the complexity of wanting to have a family and a career. Evelyn is sexy, glamorous, and talented at a time when Hollywood required that women play second fiddle to men, both on screen and off. The talent couch was a thing, and while Evelyn didn't fall prey much to that, she was unlucky in love. This is a great story well told, and while a bit of fluff on top, there is an LGBTQ underbelly that changes it for the better.

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