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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Leaving by Roxana Robinson

I read two books in a row that centered on the premise that the love one experiences in youth has an effect that lasts well into middle age. The idea is appealing, although not scientifically based as far as I can tell. The appealing part is that while some youthful relationships end because of incompatibility, others are affected by a change in geography that is unavoidable, and that it is "too soon" to commit for life. That is more or less what happens here. Sarah and Warren were in a relationship in college, and broke up, maybe based on enforced separation mixed with Sarah's uneasiness about Warren's life plans--they marry, they are not so much happy with their choices, Sarah divorces, Warren does not, and then they meet up again in their early 60's and find that they still have a passion for each other. The order with which they pursue that passion and how it eventually plays out are arguably sub-optimal, but the story is a fun one to read.

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