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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Farmhouse Living

I spent the first night in this wonderful 150 year old house that we are well on our way to bringing back to it's former practical but elegant hey day last Friday. Despite spending several hours each day in the house in preparation for the moment that we would occupy it, the first week of actually living in the house was a new experience. Overall, it has been fabulous, despite the fact that we are far far far from being done with renovations and both the front porch and the side porch are filled with trim, flooring, off cast construction materials, and the occasional piece of furniture that could not be fit into the house while the painting and floor installation were underway.
It is a transition to be in a new house after living so long in another. it has been 16 plus years since we have done this. Age has not made any of this easier. The sheer amount of lifting has made me feel my age in an unpleasant way. But the real issue is making the house feel like our home, and not tripping over things or getting lost in the meantime. For instance, I really need to get out and buy some night lights so that we can manage in the middle of the night.
One great thing about actually living in a house, rather than walking through it on a regular basis is that you find out where the sun comes up and where it sets, and what the various views are out of each window. The challenging part is where the heck everything is in the house. So far, so good.

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