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Friday, April 13, 2012

Black Light Theatre, Prague

Black Light Theatre (in Czech černé divadlo) is a theatrical performance style characterized by the use of black box theatre augmented by black light illusion. This form of theatre originated from Asia long long ago. It is a technique that can be found in many places around the world, but it has become a speciality of Prague. I recommend trying it once to see if you like it. The advantage is that it is absolutely not necessary to speak Czech, which is a language that I find hard to master even the simplest of greetings in. So it is a foriegn theatre experience that is accessible. The distinctive characteristics of "black theatre" are the use of black curtains, a darkened stage, and "black lighting" (UV light), paired with fluorescent costumes in order to create intricate visual illusions. This "black cabinet" technique was used by Georges Méliès, and by theatre revolutionary Stanislavsky ( a name I know more through comedians making fun of him, than by his technique, but he is an icon in 20th century theatre). The technique, paired with the expressive artistry of dance, mime and acrobatics of the performers is able to create remarkable spectacles. Some might find it too silly, or too slapstick for their taste. But it is worth one viewing, because it is unlike any thing that I have seen in person.

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