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Friday, May 23, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

One must be open minded when watching this 3 hour movie.  One of my sons refused to watch it with my parents because of the graphic sex scenes.  My parents watched it one day while I was at work and said they were happy that they had not paid money to see it in a theatre, and they too were happy to have not watched it with any of my children.  And I understand why.

The movie is at least twice as long as it needs to be--I thought an 80 minute movie  whave been about right and my husband thought a short would have done the trick.  It doesn't take long for a new Wall Street broker, Jordan Belfort (played masterfully by Leonardo DiCaprio) to get seduced first by the money, falling into deception, then outright unlawful behavior as the millions poured in.  Not too long after that it was mega drug abuse and daily hookers.  It is not hard to figure out why both of his wives left him, or why the FBI was so eager to convict him.  DiCaprio is memorable in his performance, as is his norm, but the whole thing was just not worth the time and effort it took to watch it.  Once again I am at odds with the critics at large.

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