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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Dunkirk (2017)

We are about to undergo an intense season of movie watching leading up to the Academy Awards.  This year we have decided to get a bit of a jump start on the movie watching by seeing things that are shortlisted for nominations, so I will be reviewing an awful lot of movies for the next two months!
This is what you might expect from a movie that really describes an event. There is not much in the way of plot development.  The British suffered a massive loss in the early days of WWII and found themselves not only in retreat, but with nowhere to go and no one to get them.  The Germans were bombing them on the beaches, attacking them at sea, and many thousands of soldiers were sitting ducks.  So what to do?  This is something the British do better than anyone else.  They called out to all boat owners on the southern shores of England to quick go across the channel and get them and bring them home.  Which they did in remarkable numbers, which provided a morale boost in what would prove to be yet another tragic war that went on for years and wasted lives and resources at levels that were previously unimaginable.  Well done, and well worth remembering. 

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