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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Preparing To Travel In The Baltics

It has been months since I have left the country, and I have only done it once since the pandemic began. I chose Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania because not only have I never been there, but I am worried that if I wait it might not happen. I missed going to Syria, and while I have been to Ukraine once, I missed Kyiv too. So learning from past hesitations and present dangers. The Baltic states, the land of medieval towns and a rich history--but one that I know very little about, so for once, I actually am reading the guidebooks in the hopes that I will be better able to appreciate what I see and articulate that upon my return. They have been often occupied over the centuries by their neighbors, but did a fine job of establishing independence when the Soviet Union broke up--and their port access makes them vulnerable and attractive. Now to the guide book: it is not all that helpful in the realm of where should I stay and what should I eat, but there are plenty of options on the internet to get ideas about that. This is good for some details about where to go (we are not great at tours and are much happier overall if we plan our own trips--we might see less, but we are happier, and after all, that is what vacationing should be about--learning and enjoying in equal parts). There is a dearth of published guidebooks for this region, and this one is well worth reading.

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