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Sunday, December 18, 2022

Father of the Bride (2022)

It might be true that funerals bring out the best in people and weddings tend to accentuate the opposite--I am hoping that is not the case for me, but it is a word to the wise. And I am neither the father, nor do we have an offspring who is a bride, so maybe I am just living vicariously here, but I have enjoyed every version. I watched this on a trans-Atlantic flight and it was perfect for the dinner and a movie that precedes trying to catch four hours of sleep efore having to pretend that was a full night sleep. The 1950 and 1991 versions featured white men, whereas this version stars Andy Garcia as Billy Herrera, the head of a Cuban-American family, so there is an immigrant who came to the Untied States with nothing and made it. His lawyer daughter is Sofia and her fiancé Adan is Mexican--they plan to leave their New York law firm jobs to work at a non-profit in Mexico. So, there are many generational and cultural conflicts. Instead of a church wedding, they want the officiant to be Monica from the Zen center. Will the music be salsa or mariachi at the wedding? There is a secret that the Herrera's are keeping as well, and for the most part the movie is both funny and relatable.

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