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Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg

This is a story of almost a century of life that is told through a red address book that Doris, now 96 years old but who left home as a mere child, taking the book with her.  She tracks people who are important to her, and some who are not, through their contact information, crossing them out when they are gone.
I had such an address book for many years to kept my whole life of people over the years in one place, where I could find them and reach out to them at holidays.  Once we had email and Facebook an address book was a thing of the past, but I remember them--and used them--well.
Doris was born in 1920 into first the poverty of post WWI Sweden and then moved to Paris and stayed there until the brink of WWII.  She never married, and never had a child, but her life was very eventful.  At the end of her life, she has only her grand-niece to hold onto, that and the memories of her life, which she has been writing down bit by bit.  Good read.

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