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Monday, January 6, 2020

Tomorrow Man (2019)

Ed is a guy who is living out the end of his life fearing the worst.  And preparing for it as well.  He has spent all of his disposable income in retirement on building and stocking his fall out shelter.  He combs the internet for facts about how quickly things would deteriorate in a dooms day scenario.  In a lot of ways we already know this, because when a storm is on the horizon, grocery stores empty out in no time.  And that is just from people trying to prepare for a week of being snowed in.  So he has a point, but it rules him.  And it has ruined his relationship with his son.
Then he meets Ronnie. She is not worried about the end of the world or much of anything.  She likes Ed, even though he is completely different from her, and they allow themselves to care about each other.  Then it happens.  Ed finds out that she is a hoarder and he can't let it go.  But there is a bit of a shift in his universe, and he starts to see that maybe he is a hoarder too, and he takes a baby step toward trying to be better.  It is a quirky but enjoyable movie.

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