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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Velvet Underground (2021)

This movie meanders, often in a directionless manner, never with a clear purpose, but I think that might be highly reflective of the band and the time, the nature of working with and around Andy Warhol at the Factory. Also, undoubtedly, the drugs. The amazign thing is that they connected with so many powerful people when they were really doing trippy light shows, playing one chord in a neverending way, and singing about how heroin would be the death of them (it wasn't, but it certainly fortold of a time when it would be the death of many people). The music of Lou Reed has stying power, at least for me, at least some of it, and of course the art of Warhol is iconic pop art, so there were a lot of creative juices flowing along with the drugs. The thing that I learned that I did not know is that people like Jackie Kennedy and the New York Ballet company came to these intermedia presentations, where a film of the band playing would be superimposed on the band as they were playing live, and the audience were running the light shows. It doesn't make you wish you were there but rather amazed that most of them got out alive.

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