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Thursday, December 8, 2022

Reflections Of Venice

I had a very bad boss years ago, so bad that I really just needed a break from him for a bit and I took a temporary job to take a break. There was a lot about that decision that was fault, but I also learned a lot about what I wanted and didn't want from the rest of my career, and on the flip side, dtarted to make a list of things I wanted in my personal life as well. I have never been much of a fan of making a bucket list, but that is what it was, really, places I wanted to see before I died, some of them more improbable than others and never actually written down, more of a mental list. Then when I was diagnosed with an advanced stage cancer seven years ago, I had to face that there might not be much time left for me, and that I needed to get going if it was going to happen for me.
Venice is one such place. It is a city that I have read about, seen in television and the movies time and time again. It was where the east met the west, a city of immense power and prosperity a thousand years ago. A city of canals and waterways, where your feet take you everywhere, were bridges abound and it is so easy to get lost and then found that it happens over and over again. So this year it happened, I made it there. It was not at all what I expected. It was way better in some ways and disappointing in others, but in the end I was extremely happy to be there, eating the seafood that it is famous for, and enjoying the fact that I can still walk in a city where there are no other options.

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