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Friday, August 6, 2010

The Next Step

Tucker told me this week that I need to muse more and pontificate less in my blog, and I am taking that advice to heart. I do love to share 'the good' that I find in life, as well as the creativity of myself and others, but since he was an early adapter of my urge to blog, I feel I need to listen to him.
This picture was taken the summer my oldest son was leaving home, the beginning of the exodus of the Kline boys into lives of their own and away from the daily influence of their parents. And since that summer, the march of time forward has continued, slowly but inexorably, toward a house empty of children. What to do? I think it is time to let go of the place we did that phase of life in and move on. Unfortunately, I no longer am able to pack all my belongings into the trunk of an over-sized sedan. So this is not like molting. It is a daunting task, but one that I would rather under take sooner rather than later. Why wait another ten years to allow all the atrophied parts of my past to gather more dust? Maybe by finding them again, they will ignite a new fire in me to use them. But maybe not. I think that everything that makes the cut for this move should be stamped with an expiration date--if I have not done something with the contents of this box by such-and-such a date, it goes to Goodwill. Let someone else have a crack at it! After all, Tucker uses Goodwill as a lending library or sorts--he gets all his clothes there, and sometime later, after he has made use of them and is ready for something new, they make a return appearance there, ready for life with someone else. I should set some of my things similarly free. So, that is the task for the rest of 2010, to downsize my possessions into something more modest than they are now, and to make better use of what I retain.

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