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Friday, August 27, 2010

Technology Troglodyte? Not I

Thank you Tucker. You made my day.
By allowing me the pleasure of teaching you how to set up a second email account on your phone you made me feel like I might actually make it through the technology snarl-ups I am likely to face as the information highway continues to build lanes and interchanges at a dizzying rate. Just the fact that you would g-chat me to ask if I knew how to do it--that you thought it entirely possible that I could teach you this--made me feel like I was not acting my age.
Now that our government sees broadband as a basic requirement, commensurate with electricity and water, it has the effect of making many people my age and older obsolete in a way that is hard to make an historical comparison with--horse and buggy to automobile? Well, trains were still widely available and cars were neither fast nor safe, so you could probably still function without an automobile. The telephone? Maybe that is a reasonable comparison, that at some point not having a phone put you at a distinct disadvantage from those who did. soon it will be the case that without the internet, you aren't going to be able to be reached easily.

So, not a trolodyte. But, I confess, not an early adapter either. My goal of staying no more than 5 years behind the cutting edge is a hard one for me to manage (it used to be no more than 10 years behind, but that got to be profoundly delayed and had to be revised--I am trainable. If the data shows an error in thinking, I respond accordingly). But I think I am doing it, and not feeling too winded doing so. As it stands, I am drinking coffee, staying alert on the information highway, and loving it, even though most of my fellow travelers are passing me by. I can wave at them and not feel envy. Just hope they will continue to help me manage to routes.

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