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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chickpeas with Greens

I love it when the summer vegetables start coming in, and it is cheap and easy to eat vegan and enjoy it--even if you live in Iowa, where summer does not often come particularly early. At it's best, such food is so good that you won't even notice that the meat is no longer in your diet.
I accidentally bought a back of braising greens instead of salad greens at my local coop, and today I turned them into one of my favorite quick and easy weeknight dishes--chickpeas with greens.
You dice up an onion, crush a couple of cloves of garlic and saute them in olive oil until the onions are wilting a bit. Add handfuls of greens that have been sliced into inch wide strips, and wait for them to wilt as well. Sprinkle in some salt and pepper, and add a can of diced tomatoes (or fresh if you have them), and about 2 cups of cooked chickpeas, and cover to stew until the greens are tender. Correct the seasoning, spritz a little lemon juice on before serving (you can also crumble feta on top if you like, but I like it without)--great side dish or main dish, depending on what else you are serving.

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