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Friday, September 21, 2012

Apple Challah

Happy New Year!

1 Tbsp. active dry yeast
1/4 cup  honey
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2  egg yolks plus 1 whole egg
1 1/2 teaspoons (8 grams) table salt
3-4 cups all-purpose flour

2  apples diced

Make your dough: Whisk yeast and 1 teaspoon honey into 2/3 cup warm water and let stand until foamy, a few minutes.
In the bowl of a stand mixture, whisk together yeast mixture, oil, remaining honey, eggs and yolk. Switch to dough hook and add flour and salt. Use dough hook on a moderate speed until it pulls all of the flour and wet ingredients together into a craggy mass. Lower the speed and let the dough hook knead the dough for 5 minutes, until smooth, elastic and a little sticky--add flour until it is the right stickiness.
Transfer dough to large oil-coated bowl, cover with plastic wrap and set aside for 1 hour, or until almost doubled in size.
Add apples to the dough--fold them into the dough.
Dough can be either woven into a round loaf, or made into a long rope and wound together in a spiral.

Beat an additional egg until smooth and brush over challah. Let challah rise for another hour but 45 minutes into this rise, preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Bake in middle of oven for 40 to 45 minutes. It should be beautifully bronzed; if it starts getting too dark too quickly, cover it with foil for the remainder of the baking time.

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