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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Anger and Trauma

I am someone who is more prone to sadness when trauma strikes rather than anger.  Both when my youngest son faced a life threatening illness and when I myself have been here of late, I am more likely to resort to tears than rage.  So in general I have a hard time relating to those who react with anger to stressful and overwhelming life events.
However, since the November election, I have been very angry.  And realistically, that was a pretty long time ago, but I still find myself uncontrollably angry at quite a large number of people who wither voted to put us in this situation, or simply did not care, or were somehow convinced that this wouldn't be so bad.  Or that somehow if you weren't progressive enough we all deserved a government that actively makes it not just possible but probable that the very rich will get richer and the rest of us are fated to do more poorly with each successive generation.
One of my sons asked me recently how this helped.  It doesn't help at all.  I am not advocating it.  I cannot get over it however.  I am still incredibly angry.  I have no desire to talk with anyone who votes Republican.  Not at all.  I have nothing in common with them.  There is nothing to compromise with them on.  Being a Democrat is the only compromise I am willing to make.  I hope for a candidate who has the charisma of Barack Obama and the politics of a progressive who can form coalitions with more moderate candidates and make positive change.  And hope I live long enough to let go of some of my deep seated resentment of those who continue on a path of what is essentially overvaluing what once was the status quo.

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