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Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Garden Party (2017)

I really loved this nominee for Best Short Animated film.  One of my sons thought it was just too crass, but I disagree completely.  Here is the scoop.
Frogs and toads abound in this remarkable short by six talented French artists,  all of whom are in touch with their playful side if the trailer is any indication. The film uses the amphibians as narrative devices for exploring a scene and creating a puzzle that hooks the viewer with a slowly unfolding story.  Impressive work has been dedicated to creating the external pool and shrubbery and the internal dining room and study. The quality of CG work is outstanding, including attention to materials, photorealism, lighting and physics simulations. Aesthetics and composition are a pleasure to watch.  The story is told wordlessly, as the toads and frogs hop through the indoors and outdoors.
What makes the film work so well? The unfolding surprises of the background story help create suspense, hooking the viewer and slowly changing the tone and theme of the film to a genre movie. They also create a contrast with the animal kingdom, which is completely oblivious to it, and continues on its own parallel narrative lines. An emphasis on irreverent humor and creativity adds a lot of spice to the short.

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