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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Vote For Representative Government

There is a lot on the table this election, the first and foremost being the role of telling the truth plays in government.  I know there is a long history of candidates telling lies in order to get elected, but the current President of the United States has told about 6,400 lies in 640 days, so roughly 10 things a day that are flat out not true.  He isn't even consistent in his lying.  Sometimes he says something that happened, but then he says it didn't happen, or it happened another way.  It is embarrassing for our country.  So there is that.  Then there is the moral and ethical issues.  Some of that is linked to the lying, but there is underlying cruelty, if not out and out sadism, in the pleasure taken in inflicting injury on others.  Then there is the white nationalism issue, which the FBI sees as a greater terrorist threat than ISIS.  That has certainly born fruit this past few months.  Finally there is the assault on freedom of the press to inform the people about their goevernment's actions and possible motives for those actions.  So, the 108,000,000 people who did not vote last time around, and those who have just turned 18 in the last two years, this is it, the time to change the course of your nation, your state, your community. Please, we are depending on you.  So is the planet, because the whole climate change disaster is a runaway freight train.

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