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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Novitiate (2017)

This movie on nuns in the making takes place when the bad old Catholic Church was on the verge of changing, and as you might imagine, fans of the old school church were none too pleased.
A movie about nuns in the '60s may not sound exciting. It may not even sound vaguely intriguing. But the filmmaker wisely depicts these young women as individuals who contain multitudes, even within such a structured setting. They’re full of contradictions as they figure out who they are and what their place is in the world—just like any young woman in any walk of life. These teenage girls, however, have chosen to dedicate themselves to God—to marry Him, as they say in the vernacular, which includes donning a white gown and veil and taking vows.  How can boys compete when the groom they are seeking is Christ?
Only nuns will take a very steep dive from grace after Vatican II.  The modernizing of the Catholic Church allowed for more lay ministers to take part in services and ministries, so donning a habit and becoming a bride of Christ was no longer the only path to church leadership.  Nuns were no longer as special as they once had been.   More women elected to serve God without taking vows. As a result of all these changes, the number of nuns has plunged dramatically.  So this chronicles the end of an era.

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