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Friday, October 18, 2019

Ode to Joy (2019)

Another British romantic comedy that I watched while coming home from Spain recently.  I love to watch movies, and in the setting of having gotten up way too early to catch my flight, followed by an incredibly irritating interaction with ground transportation in Frankfurt (where it essentially took 40 minutes to get from the plane to the terminal, all the while the majority of people were squished into a bus standing up.  Seriously?  This is Germany, famed for efficiency, which in this particular instance seems like grade inflation.  I barely made it to my flight before boarding began and I had a two hour lay over).
In any case, this is very light fare.  Charlie is the main character, and he can’t feel big emotions—especially joy—otherwise it will make him pass out. It’s part of a disease  called cataplexy, which is a real thing, in which any large emotion confuses his brain chemistry and causes him to shut down, making him faint right where he’s standing. He’s had it all his life, and it makes him resistant to experience a deep feeling of love.So, of course, this is about him falling in love and all the mayhem that causes.  Enjoyable if not particularly deep.

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