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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Palm Springs (2020)

Hulu is knocking it out of the park this pandemic, and this film is just one example of hitting the right notes for entertainment in the time of COVID, when we are all home and reliant on what we can stream, by and large.  What has suited us by and large is media content that is mostly light, not necessarily funny, but that doesn't hurt.  It took me a while to get into Schitt's Creek, but once I did, I loved it, and this movie shares some of what I love about that series.  It positively crackles with unexpected character development, absurdity, and humor. But with all that, in the midst of a romantic comedy the film strikes an unexpectedly tender almost bittersweet chord, the humor being haunted by sorrow, loneliness, helplessness.
The story line is basically a remake of Groundhog Day with the repeated hook being a wedding that keeps happening over and over again.  The difference this time is that there is more than one person in the time loop and that both complicates it and makes it different than the original.  All three leads are pitch perfect in their roles, and I would recommend this.

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