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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Pandemic Atoning

Here we are, Yom Kipur has rolled around and it is once again time to take stock of the year and how it has gone. Since it was laregely taken up with the pandemic, it was much easier in some ways to avoid messing up with people. On the other hand, if we look at community and what each of our personal role is in that community it became even clearer that for about a third of people, there is no sense of community. If they would not do something for themselves, then they would not even consider doing it for someone else. And I have been seeing something else as well. That the people who do things for their community do not want to have to shoulder the burden of those who do not. They are tired of not just their attitude, but also of bearing the consequences of their reactions. So as COVID is raging in the non-vaccinated and resources are once again stretched, there is more talk of rationed care, and there arre far fewer people who are outraged by that. The pendulum is swinging to the opposite side, and unless things change a lot in the next few weeks, there will not be room in hospitals to care for those who choose to put us all at risk. I hope the year is sweeter than it is starting out is all I can say.

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