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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Vietnam Ethnologic Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam

With a population of about 86 million people Vietnam comprises 54 ethnic groups: the Viet (Kinh) which make up 80-85% of the population, and 53 minority groups. Many of these include numerous local groups. The language of ethnic groups in Vietnam is also diverse with five linguistic families: - Austroasiatic - Thai - Kadai - Hmong - Yao - Sino - Tibetan - Austronesian Each ethnic group has its own cultural identity while still sharing certain similarities. The culture of the ethnic groups is a continuity of tradition, of mutual exchanges and mutual influences across and within national borders but also regionally, especially the influence of China, India, and Southeast Asia. Traditionally, most of the groups rely on wet rice agriculture or swidden farming, combined with raising poultry, collecting, hunting, and fishing; handicrafts (weaving, forging, making pottery, carpentry) and on commerce of different levels. Most ethnic groups consider the village as the most important social unit; however, village organization, house styles, family, society and religious traditions are diverse. Beliefs of spirituality and remembering ancestors are the basis for many ritual activities of the majority of ethnic people. Only 25% of Vietnamese identify with a religion, with half of those identifying as Buddhist, and then Catholicism a distant second. Above is a Bahnar communal house.
Viet House—Originally this house belonged to a wealthy family who lived in the early 20* century in Tho Loc commune, Tho Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province. Mrs Hoi's family's main house, built in 1906, had 5 rooms including a living room where they received guests, worshipped ancestors, and the head of the household's space. This room was passed down to Mrs Hoi's eldest son, then to her grandson and great-eldest son. The ancestors! altar was carved with stylized flowers, dragons, and phoenixes. Chinese characters are engraved on the walls and along the beams and lintels.

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