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Monday, May 20, 2024

What Happens Later (2023)

This movie is about what happens if you have a serious love affair in college, and it ends. There are a lot of what ifs that remain unanswered, and unfortunately, this movie doesn't go very far when it comes to answering that. Willa and Bill had a long term relationship that resulted in a pregnancy and that ended in a miscarriage. Is that what broke them up, or was it something else? THat (and many other questions) are raised but left dangling. Decades laster they are snowed in at an airport that is strangely deserted and they tepidly talk with each other. They realize they're still attracted to each other -- but they are also still quite annoyed with each other, which doesn't quite ring true. Usually the perceived snubs and annoyances that end a relationship soften into nostaligia over the years, but not here. As they unpack the riddle of their mutual past and compare their lives to the dreams they once shared, they begin to wonder if their reunion is a mere coincidence or something more enchanted. The empty airport is another hint that all is not as it seems, but in the end this doesn't dig into the past in an interesting way, despite strong actors playing the leads.

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