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Monday, March 5, 2018

A Fantastic Woman (2017)

This is a Chilean movie that centers on a transgendered woman.  In many ways, that sums it up, but it is so much richer than the sum of its parts.  The movie starts off with scenes of Marina, a beautiful and talented woman enjoying life with her much older boyfriend, Orlando, who then unexpectedly dies.
His death marks a rapid and unsettling unraveling of her life.  Orlando, not expecting to have what appears to be a cerebral aneurysm, has not made plans for Marina in the event of his death.  Nor, I suspect, does Orlando understand the depth of his friends and family's loathing and fear of Marina and what she represents.  She is one moment living the dream, and the next waking up in a nightmare, where she is accused of having something to do with Orlando's death, kicked out of his apartment by a brother who can't wait to collect his inheritance, banned from the funeral, kidnapped and tortured by the brother's compatriots, and basically being vilified for living as a woman.  While this is not my pick to win in this category, there is an awful lot to be said for it, and I would cheer loud and long if it took home the prize.

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