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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Free Fire (2016)

At first I missed the point of this largely shoot them up movie.  If you cannot see the very dark humor that is embedded in a no one gets out of here alive movie, then you should definitely skip this one.
There was a period when Tarentino want to be movies was built around scenes where tough white guys smoke cigarettes, insult each other and launch into interminable monologues about some aspect of popular culture until an argument breaks out and everybody points guns at each other. This is the new but set in the 1970's, and the poster pretty much sums up the situation.
A couple of bright spots are Brie Larson, who stands up to her partners in crime in the gritty shoot out, and Armie Hammer, who is the more intellectual of the criminal element, the guy who cracks a good joke after being shot.  It is not as funny as a comedy, there is less action than you would be looking for in an action adventure movie, and yet those two depictions sum up what you are about to see if you watch this.

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