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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Does Freedom RIng?

It is hard to be furious enough about the separation of children from their families by Border Patrol.  The President said he had no choice.  Democrats will not give him what he wants and he is left with no choice.  He is like the sadistic father who says that he is forced to beat his children until his wife does what he demands. The fault lies squarely with him, and with no one else, with the exception of Stephen Miller, architect of said plan.  Anyone reporting on this issue needs to squarely place the blame where it belongs and point out the bait and switch.  Children will be with their parents, but they are incarcerated indefinitely.  
This isn't about the law.  The law is that refugees have the right to present themselves for asylum.  This is about not just power and control but also dehumanizing people.When the administration says that they are not people but rather animals, they are walking a very familiar path.  The first step in committing inhumane acts is to cease to see our fellow man as just that, our fellow man.  Once they are not people, what we do to them can parallel how we treat our livestock, right up to and including what we are doing to families seeking asylum.  The intentional traumatizing of children and potentially far far worse is what happens in a nation of barbarians.  Not a land of the free.  Rise up, speak out, and most of all, vote.  The freedom awarded us by our forefathers is in peril.  Not for the first time, true, but let's make sure we don't go the route we did with internment of the Japanese.

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