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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Power of the Dog (2021)

Wow, this is an incredibly powerful movie, set in a desolate beautidul place with an unsettling tone from start to finish. The score, the cinematography, the acting, and the directing are all pitch perfect. There is sparse dialog but the music keys you in to the mood of each scene quite brilliantly. Stick with this, because I think being uncomfortable is part of the point. Phil and George are brothers who do everything together on thier frontier Montana ranch, but they are nothing alike. Phil runs the show in every way and George says little to nothing, all the while he is being put down and belittled. When George adds a wife and her mostly grown son to his family, Phil goes about undermining them in the way he works to marginalize George. But there is something very wrong with Phil, that is clear. My spouse and I watched this separately and on different days, and when my son and I were midway through the movie he asked me who I felt sorried for and while there are two other characters who might fit that bill, Phil was my answer. All the main cast members are spectacular in this, but Benedict Cumberbatch is heads above the rest. He radiates the character of Phil in every possible way, and is amazing to behold.

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