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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Vladimir, Russia

The ancient city of Vladimir is the keeper of the Russian land origin secrets. To some extent, Vladimir is the father of Russian cities, since it appeared before Moscow and other Russian cities. Its history is both fascinating and dramatic. It began in 1108, when the legendary Prince Vladimir Monomakh built a mighty fortress to protect the area from the south-east.
The peak of its greatness occured in the 12th century under the Prince Andrew Bogolubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, who moved the capital from Kiev to Vladimir.
In 1158-1165 the new capital saw grandiose construction. New ramparts encircled the city; so did the wooden walls with the pass-gate. The Prince Andrei's cause was continued by his younger brother, Vsevolod III the Big Nest. He multiplied the city's splendor by creating the Cathedral of Saint Demetrius, the Nativity monastery with the white church, Kniaginin monastery, and the main shrine of the principality, the Assumption Cathedral.  Unfortunately the Mongols invaded, they had fire, and Vladimir was largely fortified with wood.  Not a good combination.  Modern Vladimir has some wonderful late 19th century brickwork buildings (one pictured above) that are well worth seeing.

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