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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Holiday Paradox

It has been an unusual melding of religious holidays and secular ones this year so far.  Ash Wednesday fell on Valentine's Day, and now we have Easter on April Fool's Day.  Then add in that Good Friday is the first night of Passover and we are really onto something, because as we all know, the Last Supper was a Seder.
So what to make of this.  We as a country and myself in particular live in a mixed up jumble of cultures and religions.  We hang onto our pagan past, trying to dress it up with meanings that aren't strictly tied to ancient beliefs, so it is nice when we can truly mix it up a bit on the up and up.  There is something quite hilarious about the prankster edge of April Fools Day, mixed in with Jews celebrating their release from slavery and Christians celebrating the miracle that is at the center of their beliefs.  We are not a people who make sense, and we need to embrace those differences, both within us and between us and celebrate what we have while we work for a better world.  May the universe arc towards good, and hurry up about it.

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