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Sunday, October 28, 2018

Twig by Aura Parker

This is the last book that I read in my recent spate of finding the perfect children's picture book, and it is very good, especially if you have a child who is a bit afraid of bugs or thinks that they are really cool.
There are a lot of elements of counting in the book, which could be another good aspect of a book that you might reread.  Here is the basic plot.  Heidi is a stick insect, long and thin like the twig of a tree. It's her first day at Bug School, where she hopes to learn lots and make new friends. But no one will talk to her and no one will play with her at lunch. No one notices her at all - not even her teacher Miss Orb, because she's blending in with the branches a little too well.  Finally, Heidi speaks up for herself and Miss Orb comes up with a plan to help Heidi stand out.  There are many things to hunt for and find in the book, which is exactly what you would have to do outside to find some of these bugs in real life.

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