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Monday, July 29, 2019

Vehicles of Change

The only thing wrong with this meme is that it should say if you hate what our country is doing, because the vast majority of people who are speaking out against the current regime love their country, but they hate what it has become.  Problematic is the inhumane detention of immigrants in such a way that harkens back to the Nazis, who separated people into us and them, and proceed to kill those that were perceived as other. 
So what happened?  There have been calls for people who do not agree with these policies to leave.  Drop for the moment that these same people were apoplectic about having a black president, and encouraged him to leave. I will return to that in another post.
There is the depiction of four junior congresswomen as the face of the Democratic party, and then the vilification of them.   As we have seen repeatedly with this leader, in order to deflect attention from himself, he paints a target on someone else's back and then encourages people to shoot at them, at times literally, so that he can slink back to his hole.  He is unsavable, beyond redemption. But we as Americans who love democrasy must fight to keep it.  Do all of the above.

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