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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Divorcing Fossil Fuels

It was a year ago, more or less, that I made the break away from a car that solely depended on fossil fuel. 
At that moment, I was thoroughly tired of how inadequately our country and government had moved to protect our future, not just as a nation, but the existence of humans on the planet.  As I am fond of saying, there is no planet B.  We have to save this one.  Not for me or my parents, it will last our lifetimes.  We need to save it for our children and grandchildren.
So I took a tiny baby step, and bought a plug in hybrid.  I was not ready to go all electric.  I had a very hard time finding one.  the dealership had to trade for it, and I waited a month to get it.  Now looking back, if I had it to do over again, I would have gone a step further, but this is now, and then I couldn't do it.
Over the course of the year I have used about twenty gallons of gas all told.  Heat seems to burn through it at a rate of about a gallon every two weeks, but since March I have used only about a gallon and am now thinking for the summer, I should just have a small amount of it in the tank.  The next step would be solar panels I think.  Spend the money I would have spent traveling conserving energy instead.

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