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Friday, January 22, 2021

Four Weddings and a Funeral (2019)

I am a fan of Mindy Kaling and the 1994 original movie of the same title.  This is not so much an homage to the original film but rather it just uses its premise,  that a group of friends weathering four weddings and a funeral together (for better and for worse), as a basic structure for their own stories. It’s also still based in London for seemingly no reason other than nostalgia; all four of the main characters are American Anglophiles who returned to the U.K. after spending a transformative semester there in college.  This version gets ten episodes of time over which to delve more deeply into the characters, their loves, and their inter relatedness.

There are things that test the strength of the relationships between this group of friends over the years, and sometimes the priorities are hard to fathom.  However, the homage to the romantic comedy genre is well intentioned and enjoyable to watch.

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