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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sedition in the Capital, Part I

 The Capital police waved off any offer of help prior to the events that unfolded in Washington, DC on Wednesday.  There is so much to unpack about why that might be why and why it is so terribly wrong.  The first is that while the greatest terrorist threat to our communities and our country are armed and angry white men, they are treated absurdly well by law enforcement.  The teenager who shot and killed two people at a Black Lives Matter protest that occurred in the wake of yet another person of color shot and killed by law enforcement was allowed to walk away.  Officers did nothing to stop him. 

So at the Capital when a largely unmasked largely male crowd blew through the barriers in front of the Capital in a stated attempt to stop Congress from doing it's duty and certifying the Electoral College vote, with the plan to over throw the vote of the people and install their own choice of what is nothing more than a dictator, there was very little done to intervene.  A Black Lives Matter crowd would have been gassed, beaten to the ground, and arrested, but no, these men took selfies and marauded through offices of Congressmen.  And in the end, five people lost their lives.  Congress went back to work and stayed until the job was done, but the open sympathy of officers in uniform with white supremacists engaging in a coup attempt is something that needs a long and hard look.

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