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Monday, January 4, 2021

Crime Boss in Chief

I think Edward Norton is correct.  There is something the crime boss in chief is avoiding, something he is so frightened of he will do anything, say anything, threaten anyone, no matter how ridiculous it is, no matter how criminal it is, no matter how bad it makes him look because there is something worse that he is running from.

The tape of the conversation Trump had with Raffensberger, who failed to answer the phone 18 times before picking up, is that Trump lied on Twitter about the content of the conversation.  The blatant display of threats, cheating, and encouraging corruption in an election official makes him guilty of the crimes he has accused others of.  Despicable.

Then there are the people who are enabling his behavior , who are traitors to their country, as defined by the 14th Amendment.  After the Civil War it was spelled out clearly in the Constitution that what  Ted Cruz and the likes are advocating is in fact sedition.  They are treasonous traitors to their country and they should all be prosecuted as such.  Enough already.  The GOP does not want a democracy because despite their very presentable showing in the 2020 election, they appear to think that in the not too distant future they cannot win elections in a democracy and therefore they are advocating for a dictatorship of their choosing.  Please put those people on trial and make the punishment fit the crime.

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