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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Splash Seafood Restaurant, Cairns, Australia

Let me start off by saying that the coastal cities in Australia are blessed with an abundance of really delicious seafood, in all sorts of permutations.  I love crustaceans and there are quite a few of them that never make it to the United States, and they are right to keep them from us because they are just absolutely delicious you cannot imagine sharing them with others.
Our first stop on this trip to Australia was to Cairns, which is one of the entryways to the Great Barrier Reef (one of the largest living things on earth).  We had traveled across the US, had a seven hour layover in Los Angeles, completed the 15 hour flight to Melbourne and then flown an additional four plus hours up the coast.  So our only goal that first day was to figure out where our boat was leaving from the next day and to have a good meal, hoping to stay up until nightfall.  Mission accomplished--this meal was better than the fancy place we ate the next night.  We should have gone back and had this exact same thing again.

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