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Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Power of Music

I have written many a time about the acts of kindness that I have benefited from this past couple of months, but one of the things that I have skipped over is the gift of music.
Several people have made a Spotify playlist for me, which has been a really wonderful thing at very particular points.  One is for the early mornings when I am in the hospital and the medical student has rounded at 5:00 am and asked me enough questions that I am unable to get back to sleep, but I have no intention of getting up for another hour or two.  Listening to music is a wonderful way to pass the time without turning on the lights and making my whole sensory system get up.  Another time is when I am just not up to doing anything else.  Sometimes I just don't want to read or even open my eyes, and listening to music is a great way to pass the time pleasurably.  So if you are wondering what to do for someone who will be undergoing a long term illness or treatment regimen, think about making them a playlist that will keep them entertained when the going gets rough.

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